DHA is the short form for an essential omega-3 fat called decosahexanoic acid. It is very important for the development of eyes and brain in babies. Algae and the fishes are the richest source of the omega-3 fat. If you are pregnant then you should understand the importance of DHA.
This is a vegetarian source and essential for child health. DHA and pregnancy are co-related to each other for the infants health. DHA is produced naturally in breast milk and plays vital role in mental and visual development during baby’s first few years of existence.
This is a vegetarian source and essential for child health. DHA and pregnancy are co-related to each other for the infants health. DHA is produced naturally in breast milk and plays vital role in mental and visual development during baby’s first few years of existence.
DHA and pregnancy- Health benefits during pregnancy:

Use of DHA during the pregnancy reduce the chances of premature delivery and reduce the chances of having toxemia. Thus a sufficient amount of DHA is necessary for mother care during pregnancy.
A study shows that use of DHA during the pregnancy may help the women, who had preterm birth in the past, and control the reoccurrence of repeat preterm birth.
The children whose mothers have taken appropriate quantity of DHA during and after the pregnancy have superior attention span. So, for mothers it is essential to take appropriate quantity of omega-3 fat that is found in fish oils, while babies get this essential nutrient by breastfeeding that helps in a better growth of baby and maintaining children health.

DHA and pregnancy- Recommended amount:
There is no official recommendation about the appropriate amount of DHA that a pregnant woman should intake. Best idea is to consult your paediatrician, to explain best suitable diet plan for you during the pregnancy and after the birth of your child. That will make sure a good mother care as well as well as infant health. Moreover, a rough idea about the appropriate amount of the DHA that a woman need during the pregnancy and lactating is 200 mg of DHA per day.
Mother care during pregnancy using DHA rich food:
A sufficient supply of DHA is not only necessary during pregnancy but it is also required after pregnancy to ensure mother care, development of the infant and children health. Generally, most of the pregnant women ask where to get DHA. This can be intake by eating seafood. Different dietary supplements are present in the market that contains purified Omega-3s with no side effects. It is recommended that you should always consult your doctor to know that which product offers purified Omega-3s in actual.
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